Is It Okay To Smoke Weed After Getting A Tattoo

Is It Okay To Smoke Weed After Getting A Tattoo

Marijuana has numerous effects on the body, but in this article, we are going to focus on two aspects that could seem related to the process of getting a tattoo. This could affect the flow of your body. I've been inked while having a smoke with the artist, never heard anything about not.

A bison head taxidermy greeted us at the door. “i’m actually super excited,” herb photographer jon coward said just moments before getting his first tattoo. “i just wish i wasn’t this high. ”.

Depending on how body high you feel, you may realize more soreness/itchiness in the area. Hell yeah, infact depending on what kind you have it may even help with inflammation, and pain. I’ve seen it happen a few times. ”.

Does Smoking Weed Reduce Tattoo Pain

For tattoo inquires, visit To keep up with my latest tattoo work, follow @jameswitheetattoo on instagram. Check out the other artists at my shop by visiting

Tattooing and weed. Can I smoke Weed before getting a tattoo

Tattooing and weed. Can I smoke "Weed" before getting a tattoo? Does weed calm you down or make you anxious. You need to know that first, then, talk to your tattoo artist. You will, most likely not be alone in the tattoo studio when getting your tattoo. Some people are "scent sensitive" and , you nay wish to shower and change into "weed odour free" clothing. Be considerate to others and above all, consult with your tattoo artist first. Please do a, Like, Share and Subscribe and don't forget to click on the notification bell so you will know when a new video is posted. You can also find and follow me at;

Should You Get High Before Getting a Tattoo | MERRY JANE News

Subscribe to the MERRY JANE Newsletter for the latest video releases and everything cannabis: We’ve all heard spontaneous tattoo horror stories. Nobody wants to be the friend who wakes up with a giant pot leaf on their neck or a tramp stamp Mt. Rushmore composed entirely of Bob Marley faces. But, does that mean you shouldn’t get a tattoo while high? Not necessarily. While some tattoo artists will make you affirm that you aren’t baked before you get inked, there are potential mental and physical advantages to taking a toke before you tatt. Watch as we explore the pros and cons of going under the gun when you’re under the influence of weed. Read the Full Breakdown of this only on MERRY JANE: MERRY JANE Follow MERRY JANE! Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Snapchat: Subscribe to MERRY JANE's channel:

Conclusion from Is It Okay To Smoke Weed After Getting A Tattoo

Thc is responsible for the buzz you feel when you smoke or ingest marijuana; It is the psychoactive compound in the cannabis plant. However cbd, which is found in industrial hemp plants grown only for their. However, after doing some research and talking to professional tattoo artists, they all advised me not to smoke pot before my session.

And so i decided not to medicate before my tattoo session. Using cannabis before a tattoo session can actually increase.

I am a blue collar skilled laborer. I have held various titles throughout my career from apprentice to journeyman to foreman. I have always had a bit of a passion for computers and Internet.